BackOpposition to the Green Deal was already growing before the EU elections. But now it is essential to develop it further with a strong social dimension. This makes it all the more important for workers' interest groups and civil society to take various initiatives in favour of a social Europe and a good life for all within the planetary boundaries.
For many years, AK has been calling for a social-ecological transition that distributes the costs of the necessary transformation fairly and leaves no one behind, also within the framework of the European Alliance for a Just Transition. As part of this alliance, AK called for an EU policy framework for a just transition in a joint letter to the responsible ministers in March 2024. The Council conclusions referred to in the letter were adopted last Monday at the Environment Council in Luxembourg. They particularly emphasise the importance of stronger mainstreaming of the just transition in European and national policies.
The European Economic and Social Committee already took a very detailed position on the issue of a just transition in December 2023. In its opinion, it makes it clear that a just transition must be at the top of the agenda in the new legislative period in order to enable a good life within planetary boundaries. To this end, it calls, among other things, for a new EU agenda for 2050 and for a dedicated Commissioner for Just Transition. A study conducted by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in 2023 shows that people in Europe support this request, revealing that that the issue of distribution is seen as crucial for the transformation and that social and fair policy-making is therefore all the more necessary.
50 years of the European Environmental Bureau
On 13 May 2024, the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) celebrated its 50th anniversary at its annual conference. Five panel discussions were held on the challenges and potential for a fair and sustainable future. Among other, Johanna Sandahl, President of the EEB, stressed the importance of fundamental change for a high quality of life in Europe. This was also confirmed by Alain Maron, Minister of Climate Transition, Environment, Energy, Cleanliness, Participatory Democracy, Health and Social Action of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region. The just transition is the centrepiece of the Green Deal and a prerequisite for a green transition. Josefine Vanhille, University of Antwerp, pointed out that inequalities should not be seen as minor aspects. On the contrary, to achieve a just transition, social, environmental and economic goals and measures had to be linked in integrated and coherent policies.
Environmental and social justice activist Chloé Mikolajczak and Yves Dejaeghere, Executive Director of the Federation for Innovation in Democracy - Europe, stressed the importance of participation and democracy. People need to participate in political processes and become involved in decision-making in order to strengthen their representation and thus their trust in politics and democracy. In the discussion, Fadhel Kaboub, President of the Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity, emphasised the dimension of global justice. To create a truly socially just green transition, the deep roots of existing inequalities, namely colonial structures, would have to be addressed.
A pact of hope
In addition to the discussion forums, the European Pact for the Future of the EEB was presented. According to Patrick ten Brink, EEB Secretary General, and Pegah Moulana, Secretary General of Youth and Environment Europe, this is intended to give people in Europe hope and show new ways of making a high quality of life possible for everyone despite the many crises. Building on the Green Deal, it comprises twelve key points. In addition to the importance of a just transition to climate neutrality and the protection of biodiversity, it emphasises the need for resource conservation as well as a circular and wellbeing economy. Social and green investments, fair taxation and redistribution should drive change, while coherent policies and cooperation at different levels should create a framework that enables people and business to choose sustainable solutions. This includes not least issues of mobility, housing and energy. EU accession candidates should be supported in their transformation, international cooperation and partnerships should promote global justice. Democracy and the rule of law are crucial. With this in mind, the voices of young people and underrepresented groups as well as trust in the EU should be strengthened, disinformation combated and an intact environment recognised as a human right.
A future for the many
The climate crisis has long since become part of people's everyday lives. A fundamental reorganisation of the economy is therefore necessary to ensure a high quality of life for future generations. The necessary measures for climate protection and adaptation must be supported by employees and a future for the many must be created together. With its plan for social-ecological reorganisation, the Vienna Chamber of Labour has set out a clear path. It is based on three pillars: justice, planned and democratic decarbonisation and accompanying policies that leave no one behind. The plan is therefore a further building block in the debate on a socially just and sustainable present and future.
The EU Parliament will be reconstituted in the coming weeks and the future composition of the EU Commission will become clearer in the autumn. Together with the strategic agenda, which is to be finally adopted at the end of June, the staffing and work programmes will significantly determine the direction of the coming legislative period. To ensure that a fair, social, democratic and sustainable Europe is prioritised in the future, trade unions and progressive forces must work all the more resolutely to achieve this. The European Trade Union Confederation's manifesto for the EU elections also reminds us that to achieve a Europe that offers genuine quality of life the voices of workers must be heard. A just transformation can only succeed if precarious work is ended, quality jobs are secured, public funds are used for social progress and collective bargaining and social dialogue are strengthened across Europe.
Further information:
AK EUROPA: An EU just transition policy framework. What measures are necessary?
AK EUROPA Publication: Joint letter to Ministers calling for an EU policy framework for a just transition
AK EUROPA: Just transition towards climate neutrality – what are the challenges ahead?
A&W Blog: Der soziale und ökologische Umbau braucht einen Plan (Social and ecological reorganisation needs a plan) (German only)
A&W Blog: „Just Transition”: Weil Klimapolitik eine soziale Frage ist! (Because climate policy is a social issue) (German only)
AK Vienna: Eine Zukunft für die vielen. Der Plan der Arbeiterkammer für den sozialen und ökologischen Umbau – A future for the many. The Chamber of Labour’s plan for social and ecological restructuring (long version) (German only)
EEB: European Pact for the Future (Nur Englisch)