
This week, the European Parliament has announced its ideas on the sustainable future for European transport. Surprisingly positive are the admissions by MEPs that working and social conditions for transport sector employees had to be improved. However, the positive attitude towards the Commission proposal to once again dust off the concept of public private partnerships to fund transport networks leaves a negative connotation.
At last, but unfortunately far too late, MEPs have acknowledged the poor social and working conditions in the transport sector. Trade unions have been drawing attention to the failings of employment policy in the transport sector for years. In view of the fact that that the shortage of labour in transport, which had been predicted by labour representatives, is slowly but surely becoming bitter reality, MEPs emphasise in the resolution text that it was important to prevent social dumping and to set standards/take measures in respect of training and further education. Hence, the European Parliament urges the Commission to present a proposal on social and employment conditions by the end of 2012 in order to make the sector more attractive to employees.

Disappointing are the proposals by European Commission and Parliament with regard to financing the European transport sector. Here, the Commission dusts off old relics and once again toys with the idea to revive public private partnerships. Due to the lack of success, this funding method had been put on the backburner for many years. Now, EU officials and the EU Parliament are obviously hoping to raise private funds to finance transport projects. And this in spite of the fact that public private partnerships for the public sector have in part resulted in very high costs for the latter. The coming months will show whether the European Commission will be able to assert itself and gain support for its proposal. Negotiations are already taking place on Council and EU Parliament level concerning the EU Multiannual financial framework from 2014 - a section of which will also deal with the funding of the Trans-European networks. The final decision should be taken by the end of 2012/beginning of 2013.