BackThe current COVID19-pandemic puts women at the forefront of upholding critical infrastructure. The crisis impressively demonstrates that the real wages of workers in sectors such as cleaning, retail, transport, care and healthcare do not match the real value, which they generate for society and economy.
With the appointment of Helena Dalli as Commissioner for Equality, the Commission raised hopes of taking a strong stand for gender equality in the coming years. We consider the announced Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 as a cornerstone for this commitment, enjoying the vocal support of Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. The Pay Transparency Directive, planned for autumn, is at the core of this progress and would make an important contribution to achieving equal pay.
It is thus with great concern that we learn that the planned presentation of the EU Pay Transparency Directive is to be delayed. We consider this a crucial measure; one the AK has advocated for in a longstanding effort. We therefore urgently ask Commissioner Dalli and the College of Commissioners to reconsider the envisaged postponement of the EU Pay Transparency Directive. Measures to secure pay equality must not be called into question and should not be postponed in the current situation.
If the COVID-19 crisis is a gendered phenomenon, so should be the political response. In this letter addressed to Commissioner Dalli, the AK sustains its commitment to our common fight for gender equality and to the introduction of binding measures on Pay Transparency at EU level. We are hoping for a positive response from the Commissioner that would show yet again that we have an important ally in this fight.