BackIn view of the still broad resistance against the conclusion of the EU-Mercosur Agreement, the EU Commission plans to split association agreements in the future. At the moment, this would primarily apply to the EU-Mercosur Agreement, where the controversial trade section could come into effect in spite of justified criticism and without the approval of individual national governments and/or parliaments. More than 200 civil society organisations, including AK, have criticised this plan in an open letter, urging the decision makers not to put the democratic participation of individual Member States at risk.
In concrete terms, in respect of taking decisions, the EU Commission would like to split already negotiated agreements with third countries, in which political questions of cooperation, trade relations or investment rules have been agreed, into respective sections. This plan, which is also called “splitting”, would result in the fact that for example in case of the EU-Mercosur Agreement the controversial trading part would no longer have to be decided unanimously by the Council and that approval by national parliaments – as is the case with mixed agreements – would no longer be necessary.
By changing the procedural rules, the EU Commission wants to ensure that the EU-Mercosur Agreement, which it has negotiated, will rapidly come into force, in spite of controversies concerning deforestation, climate change and human rights violations. However, the agreement does not provide the necessary answers to the challenges of our time but poses a risk both for the global climate and for the workforce. Hence, massive job losses in the industry of the South American Mercosur countries are to be feared, as is the even increased deforestation of the Amazon rainforest. To make the agreement worthwhile for the South American countries, they would have to export even more agricultural products to the EU. However, this would only be possible if further agricultural cultivation areas would be gained by clearing Amazon woodland. Overall, the planned agreement contradicts the target of sustainable trade partnerships.
Valid concerns shall be bypassed
The background of the EU Commission’s motion are repeatedly voiced concerns of different governments against the agreement with the South American countries. As way back as 2019, the Austrian National Council, based on the votes of all parliamentary parties, except the NEOS, has rejected the conclusion of the agreement. Hence, the government was obliged not to approve of the agreement at EU-level. The Netherlands and the parliaments of the Belgian Wallonia region and the Belgian capital Brussels are currently not expected to approve of the agreement either. That is why the EU Commission now wants to take the path laid out.
Broad criticism of the planned approach
From AK’s point of view, the EU Commission’s plan to spit comprehensive association agreements and thereby to bypass the approval of individual Member States, must be strictly rejected. AK-President Renate Anderl voiced concern and urged the Minister for Economic Affairs, Martin Kocher, to demand a democratic approach at EU-level. Should the EU Commission get its way, the Austrian National Council would lose its rights of decision in this area. Hence, together with more than 200 other civil society organisations, AK urges the competent decision makers in an open letter to abstain from splitting association agreements and not to undermine democratic rights.
The European Parliament too experiences opposition against the EU Commission’s pan. A letter to Trade Commissioner Valdis Dombrovskis, written by Marie-Pierre Vedrenne (Renew) and signed by 40 other MEPs, stresses and criticises the plan’s lack of appreciation vis-à-vis the democratic process. Hence, the EU Commission should not be allowed to decide on the realisation of certain agreements over the heads of Member States and/or national parliaments.
Further information:
Open letter: Civil society organisations demand: EU trade deals must not undermine democratic rights
AK Wien: AK warns – EU Commission wants to get climate killer Mercosur past the National Council (German only)
Politico: Brussels launches power grab to fast-track EU trade deals