BackThe EU Commission's proposed Data Act aims to make data generated by internet-connected devices available to many stakeholders. However, the explosive nature of the project becomes apparent as soon as the rules are applied not only to visionary areas such as autonomous driving cars or smart homes.
In its position paper, AK favours a return to the start given the impact of the Data Act on society as a whole. In addition to the digital self-determination of consumers/citizens and an offline right, AK also calls for the scope to be made more coherent. It is not entirely clear why Siri, Alexa and smart TVs are included in the Data Act but smartphones are not. Furthermore, the draft Regulation does not specify who the so-called data holder is (manufacturer, software supplier, seller, etc.). It is unclear who has to fulfil which obligations towards the consumer. AK therefore demands that roles and associated responsibilities must be identified clearly and in a legally sound manner.

Daniela Zimmer
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Alice Wagner (Büro Brüssel)
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