Although most leading labour market indicators suggest that the economic situation has been restored to the levels seen before the outbreak of the crisis, important problems remain which still need to be tackled. Real wages in most countries have not tracked productivity gains, leading to wageless growth. Questions can also be raised with regard to the quality of jobs offered. Unresolved conflicts still remain between the right to organize and the structures of competition law. And a comprehensive European strategy to tackle occupational cancers needs to be urgently adopted.
This year’s Benchmarking Working Europe report sets out to make a basic diagnosis of the state of Social Europe and presents some suggestions for improvement. The report argues for more democracy at work because, as the authors show, a voice for workers reinforces political democracy and reduces inequality. Reinforcing workers’ voice and democratic oversight of their work and organisations lead also to a general improvement in life satisfaction, more productive employees, a higher labour force participation rate and more innovative and sustainable companies. In the course of the event, as well the new Labour Market Monitor by Austrian Chamber of Labour and Austrian Institute of Economic Research „EU at a glance” will be presented.
Wolfgang Katzian, President of the Austrian Trade Union Federation (ÖGB)
and Philippe Pochet, ETUI General Director
Presentation of main findings of the Benchmarking 2019 report:
Maria Jepsen, Director of the ETUI Research Department
Luca Visentini, General Secretary of the ETUC
Sotiria Theodoropoulou, Head of Unit: European economic, employment and social policies, ETUI
Ruth Paserman, Cabinett of Marianne Thyssen, Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility
Adi Buxbaum, Senior expert in the Social Policy Unit at the Austrian Federal Chamber of Labour
Steve Coulter, Head of Unit: Communication and Publications, ETUI
Simultaneous interpretation DE/EN will be foreseen.
After the event, we invite you to a buffet.
The ETUI is financially supported by the European Union. ETUI, aisbl 2019