Launch of the ETUI/ETUC Benchmarking Working Europe 2018 report
Although it can be observed that on average, labour market insecurity and unemployment risk have increased since 2007 across all EU Member States, there is a clear indication now that fiscal austerity has had uneven effects across countries. The indicators concerning social and labour market conditions have been evolving very much in line with the developments in the macroeconomy: after a deterioration period from 2013-2014 they started to improve slowly. Still, divergent developments can be observed between the north and the south of Europe. These are some of the findings of this year’s Benchmarking report on the state of ‘working Europe’, which reveals a nuanced picture of progress and regress across the EU. The speakers at this event launching the 2018 Benchmarking Working Europe Report will explore these and many more complex developments in selected areas of importance to the trade unions and of significance for a social Europe.
Welcome address:
Peter Scherrer, ETUC, Deputy General Secretary, Philippe Pochet, ETUI, General Director,
and Oliver Röpke, ÖGB Brussels, Head of Office
Presentation of main findings of the Benchmarking 2018 report:
Maria Jepsen, ETUI, Director of the Research Department
Luca Visentini, General Secretary of the ETUC
Maria Jepsen, Director of the ETUI Research Department
Patrick Develtere, Principal Adviser for European Social Policy at the European Political Strategy Centre
Aline Hoffmann, ETUI, Head of Unit: Europeanisation of Industrial Relations
After the event, we invite you to a buffet.