BackCorruption, poverty, and dictatorships are commonly accepted as causes of migration and flight. However, such a perspective blurs the vision of global contexts: climate crisis and global inequality are rarely identified to be the cause. Hence, the Austrian Chamber of Labour, in cooperation with trade unions and NGOs, has launched the “The right to stay” Initiative, which will start with a wide-ranged event series to be held from 7 to 11 June 2021.
The basis for the Initiative is the study with the same name, prepared by political scientists Sonja Buckel and Judith Kopp on behalf of the Vienna Chamber of Labour. The study takes a critical look at the current debate with regard to causes of migration and flight. Instead of just placing it one-sidedly in corrupt and undemocratic countries of origin, the study addresses how global inequality and climate crisis, also expedited by European policy, (co)produce these causes of migration and flight.
Socio-ecological mode of production and way of life instead of “local aid”
“Instead of just giving local aid, something, which often is referred to as simple solution without taking concrete action, it would be time to question our mode of production and way of life, which leads to people having to leave their home in other parts of the world”, states AK´s President Anderl . Hence, the Vienna Chamber of Labour, together with medico international, weltumspannend arbeiten, pro asyl, VIDC, GPA, PRO-GE and ÖGB International, has launched the Initiative: “The right to stay – European policy and causes of migration and flight”.
The authors of the study conclude that since the nineteen-eighties, both international and European migration policy predominantly have placed the causes of migration and flight in the countries of origin. This understanding and the measures resulting from it, could – on an empirical level – be regarded as a failure. A realistic migration policy has to place the causes of migration and flight in global inequality circumstances. It is primarily also a matter of countering the arguments of those, who try to detach asylum and migration policy from the global context, to reduce it to nationalism and to give an impression of securing national prosperity by means of racially based promises. Instead of that migration policy needs to be understood and addressed as a issue of global justice.
Event series from 7 to 11 June 2021 (in German language)
To launch the event series, the study will be presented on 7 June (from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.) via Zoom by both its authors Sonja Buckel and Judith Kopp as well as by Lukas Oberndorfer, Division EU and International Affairs of AK Vienna. There will be urther events on a wide range of key subjects of the study during the following days. Debated, among other, will be the questions as to how a globally just production of food can push back causes of migration and flight, what can be done against causes of migration and flight and violence against women, and which role the European Green Deal can play to make a contribution to tackle the causes of migration and flight.
Programme of the event series:
07.06.2021: The right to stay
08.06.2021: Well fed, but how?
09.06.2021: How do we change the discourse in respect of migration and flight?
10.06.2021: Voices from the global South
11.06.2021: 18. AK Climate dialogue: Creating a socially just energy future
Further information
Austrian Chamber of Labour: European policy and causes of migration and flight (German only)
Zoom link to join the Study presentation on 7.6.2021 (3 p.m. – 5 p.m.) (German only)
Initiative Week event programme 7.-11.6.2021 (German only)