BackThe EU-Commission has proposed measures to improve the circularity of the automotive sector, covering the design, production and end-of-life management of vehicles. The aim is not only to improve access to resources and support environmental and climate goals, but also to promote value creation and employment. AK welcomes the basic objective of the proposal. The provisions on the reusability, recyclability and recoverability of vehicles and the associated obligation to collect data are very positive.
For consumers, however, the circularity vehicle passport lacks specific obligations for manufacturers, such as guaranteed availability and delivery time of spare parts. Information on the minimum service life of a vehicle is also missing. The retrofitting of vehicles with combustion engines to battery or fuel cell electric drives remains unregulated. Effective market surveillance of manufacturers‘ specifications should be carried out by EU bodies. The sanctions to be introduced should be more concrete.

Judith Fitz
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Franz Greil
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Florian Wukovitsch (Brussels office)
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