BackThe Austrian Trade Union Federation (ÖGB Europabüro), the Austrian Chamber of Labour (AK EUROPA) and the Central European Trade Union Network (CETUN) jointly organised an event focusing on the EU enlargement policy titled “It’s Time for Social Integration – How to Build up Social Dialogue in the Western Balkans.”
The evening started with short welcome addresses to celebrate the launch of a new EU funded project, the Central European Trade Union Network (CETUN). Subsequently, we delved into a discussion, exploring ideas for a stronger social dimension of the EU enlargement policy – a core cause of our regional network.
Welcome addresses during the reception:
Martin Hojni, Permanent Representative of Austria to the PSC
Tea Jarc, Confederal Secretary, ETUC
Monika Uhlerova, President, KOZ SR
19.00h Keynote Speaker:
Wolfgang Katzian, President of the ETUC and ÖGB
19.15h Panel Discussion featuring:
Čedanka Andrić, President of UGS Nezavisnost
Oliver Röpke, EESC President
Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights
Thomas Mayer, Der Standard
About CETUN:
CETUN consists of trade union confederations from Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Switzerland. The aim of the network is to advocate for common concerns (usually with a strong cross-border dimension) in a coordinated manner at European level. The EU project allows us to establish a dedicated CETUN liaison officer in Brussels and to organize regular networking meetings and seminars between March 2024 and February 2026.