BackThe Commission had already proposed as far back as 2008 to exempt self-employed persons from the Road Transport (Working Time) Directive. AK EUROPA and the trade unions, however, anticipate dangers to road safety. In spite of being overtired, it would be possible for self-employed or pseudo self-employed persons to drive their lorries or busses and to put other road users at risk.
Neither the opponents nor the advocates of the Commission proposal were able to achieve a majority for most of their amendment proposals. Most ballots were lost with a difference of maximal two votes.
The parliamentary rapporteur of the statement, Said El Khadraoui of the Social Democrats, therefore came out against forwarding this statement to the Employment Committee in charge. This would de facto have been equivalent to forwarding the proposal of the Commission in its original form. In particular the European People’s Party, the European Conservatives and parts of the Liberals voted for the statement; the Social Democrats, the Greens, the Nordic Green Left Alliance and parts of the Liberals voted against. With an extremely tight result of 20 to 20 votes, El Khadraoui’s request prevailed.
Now the ball is in the corner of the Employment Committee, which is expected to vote on the Directive proposal on 27th/28th April.
Further information:
Draft report of the Employment Committee in charge on the Road Transport (Working Time) Directive
Amendment Applications of the Employment Committee