
Since the beginning of this week, it is possible to ask MEPs within the scope of the AK EUROPA campaign “NO 2 ISDS” directly via email or Twitter in various languages to publicly commit against private investment arbitration courts (ISDS), which would give foreign companies unjustified privileges. We therefore once again ask for your support: visit our campaign homepage and contact as many MEPs as possible with only a few clicks!

Join us in asking MEPs directly via Twitter and e-mail to say NO 2 ISDS!

As AK EUROPA reported, the vote on TTIP and thereby on ISDS in the European Parliament has been delayed by several weeks. This means more time to persuade even more MEPs to say NO 2 ISDS and to make the promise on our platform not to vote in favour of private arbitration courts.

Our completely overhauled campaign platform makes it now possible to contact MEPs directly via Twitter and e-mail from your personal account. Only 2 clicks per MEP are required! Just click on a MEP symbol on the graph and on the Twitter or email button!

We would ask you to contact as many Parliamentarians as possible via these new functions on and to build up even more public pressure! The more messages fill the mailboxes and Twitter accounts of MEPs, the sooner they will realise that there can only be one correct decision in respect of ISDS: NO 2 ISDS!

AK campaign a complete success

Over the past weeks, more than 45,000 citizens have asked the Members of the European Parliament (MEP) via to say NO 2 ISDS. 129 MEPs from almost all factions have already given this promise on our platform. The extended approach of the campaign to make contact also via Twitter will continue to increase the pressure on MEPs to listen to the voice of the people and to clearly reject privileges for foreign investors within the scope of TTIP!

Background information: ISDS out of control: danger to democracy and the rule of law

ISDS allows foreign investors to bypass national courts and to sue states directly before private ad-hoc arbitration courts. This enables them to legally proceed against laws, which previously had been adopted by sovereign states - using the argument that the value of their investments was in danger. In this way, the possibilities of democracies to sufficiently protect important concerns of society, for example labour rights or health protection are curtailed. Apart from that, the disputes between states and investors will be regulated by private business lawyers away from the public.

From a democratic point of view, ISDS is fundamentally inacceptable as it grants foreign investors greater proprietary rights than the rest of society plus providing them with the opportunity to bypass national courts. This puts our rule of law into question. Private arbitration courts exclusively benefit well paid solicitors and arbitrators as well as foreign investors, who are able to ward off any “unpleasant” regulations that way.

It is therefore also in your interest to say NO 2 ISDS and to ask our Members of Parliament to vote against the dangerous plans of the Commission.

Further Information