BackThe new Directive on batteries and waste batteries is intended to support the EU in its efforts to achieve its climate goals and in the transition to a low carbon economy. Batteries are to become sustainable, efficient, durable, and safe throughout their life cycle. They should be produced causing the minimum of environmental impact and made of materials that are sourced in a manner that fully ensures compliance with human rights, as well as social and ecological standards.
AK welcomes this integrative approach and the ambitious goals; however, there is considerable need for improvement:
- Doubts concern internal market competence, the legal form, and the excessive powers granted to the European Commission in its scope for action
- Clear end-of-life requirements based on the general framework created by the EU Waste Framework Directive (WFD) are needed
- From a consumer´s perspective improvements are needed regarding minimum service life terms, the replaceability of batteries, the interoperability and information for consumers
- Establishing responsibility within the supply chain is welcomed but has many flaws