
The Transport Committee of the European Parliament this week voted on the so-called Eurovignette Directive and expanded the scope for setting HGV toll tariffs. In future, the cost of air and noise pollution shall also be included in HGV toll calculations. However, the impact of this new approach will be extremely moderate in practice.
Compared to the negotiation results in the Council of Transport Ministers, only very few changes have been made in the text of the Directive. Bearing the very close result of the Council vote in mind, it is no surprise that the European Parliament does not want to put the revised version of the Eurovignette Directive at risk. However, the Rapporteur of the European Parliament, Said El Khadraoui, was pleased about the integration of the “polluter pays” principle in the Directive. The possible inclusion of air and noise pollution in the HGV toll charges depends on the location, time of day and the HGV exhaust technology (“Euro Norm”) and will probably only have a minor impact on the price of the toll.

The most significant difference between the position of the Council and the European Parliament after the vote in the Transport and Tourism Committee is the disclosure of the toll revenue demanded by the Parliament and its use. This demand is met with opposition in particular by EU Finance Ministers. The now starting informal negotiations between the Council and the European Parliament will show whether this demand will be remain in the final text of the Directive.
One thing should not be forgotten during the discussion on charging tolls for HGVs: even after the adoption of the Eurovignette Directive it will be at the discretion of the Member States whether they want to impose toll charges on HGVs or not. However, if they decide in favour of toll charges, they have to bear the Eurovignette Directive in mind.

Further information

AK EUROPA Article on HGV toll from February 2011

Press statement from the European Parliament on the Eurovignette Directive