
By the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs of European Parliament accepting the draft report “Information and consultation of workers, anticipation and management of restructuring” on 19 November, the planned improvements for workers has taken yet another hurdle. In spring 2012, the Spanish Socialist MEP, Alejandro Cercas used his report to push for more participation rights in respect of corporate restructuring.
There has been a lack of uniform European provisions on minimum standards for corporate restructurings for years. The economic crisis has produced additional problems, which Cercas would like to tackle at European level. Based on his report, he stimulated a discussion in the European Parliament, which was followed by scientific studies and controversial debates. The employers’ association BUSINESSEUROPE vehemently rejected any regulations, which would have favoured employees.

Voting success for employee representatives

This week, the competent Employment Committee voted on the report resp. its consequences. The Committee demands Europe-wide minimum standards for corporate restructurings, which shall involve the social partners in all processes and protect the rights of employees; in particular the controversial right to ongoing training for employees had been laid down in the accepted version.

Commission to prepare recommendation

Following its acceptance in the Employment Committee, the report has to be voted on in the Plenum of the European Parliament. Due to the fact that votes in the Plenum in most cases follow the result in the Committee, a final acceptance of the report is expected for December. Only if it is finally adopted, it is possible to urge the European Commission to prepare a proposal on a Europe-wide regulation for corporate restructuring – on the basis of the now accepted report. A relevant legal instrument can secure and strengthen the interests and rights of employees. That is why over the past months, employee representatives had vehemently supported the acceptance of the report.

Further information:

Study on corporate restructuring (Article in German)

ETUC Resolution