
The European Commission has published its financial report for 2008, which includes the membership contributions of the EU27 countries as well as the subsidies, which the Member States receive. The interesting result for Austria: at Euro 1.22 billion, the Alpine Republic in 2008 received almost 70 % from the category “Natural Resources” – a euphemism for subsidies for agriculture and rural areas.
In 2008, Austria received a total of € 1.78 billion; € 253 million were paid by the EU for research projects and construction measures with regard to Trans-European networks. About € 232 million were allocated to regional political projects. At € 1.22 billion, expenditure concerning the EU agricultural policy sector and the development of rural areas represented the largest chunk.

Austria’s net membership contribution for 2008 is around € 356.4 million. That is 0.13 percent of the Austrian gross national income (which can be compared to the gross national product). Hence, the net contributions are significantly lower than in 2007, when Austria was still paying € 563.2 million. As usual, Germany, paying € 8.77 billion, makes the highest contribution. Compared to his, Great Britain, contributing € 844 million, does not even pay a tenth of the amount paid by Germany. The by far greatest beneficiary of EU funds is Greece with € 6.28 billion, followed by Poland with € 4.44 billion.

Further information:

EU Financial Report 2008