
“We were in Brussels long before Austria became a member of the European Union“, said AK President Herbert Tumpel at the anniversary celebration of the European Office of the Austrian Federal Chamber of Labour at Brussels “Square”. And this presence is worth its while: together with the Austrian Trade Union Federation ÖGB, the AK has made significant contributions to topics such as the demand for a Financial Transaction Tax. On October 3rd, the good work was acknowledged by EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn, ÖGB President Erich Foglar, federal minister Rudolf Hundstorfer and many other guests.
AK makes a significant contribution to initiate rethinking in Europe

International work and in particular the work at the level of the European Union is imperative in fighting for the interests of Austrian employees and consumers. The AK addressed the subject well before Austria’s accession to the EU in 1995. Since setting up the AK office in Brussels in 1991, the interests of employees have been introduced to the EU institutions. However, not only the 20th anniversary of the AK office in Brussels is a cause for celebration. A lot has been achieved during this period: together with the ÖGB, the AK has made a significant contribution to initiate rethinking in Europe. For example in respect of demanding a Financial Transaction Tax or by preventing wage dumping on the basis of the EU Services Directive. Currently, 6 members of staff based in Brussels are ensuring a functioning exchange of information between the European institutions and Austria.

Anniversary with full programme

The jubilee began with a working session of the AK Federal Executive Board. The following evening event took place in the presence of representatives of Austria in Brussels such as the Austrian Ambassador Karl Schramek, labour representatives and renowned experts on the financial crisis. For example Wolfgang Hetzer, author of “Financial Mafia: Why bankers and bandits get away without punishment” as well as Heiner Flassbeck, Chief Economist at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). Flassbeck emphasised the significance and importance of AK and trade unions: “It is good that the Chamber of Labour exists; albeit unfortunately not in all Member States.” Because economic growth could only be promoted if wages and spending power would increase significantly again. To achieve this would require strong labour representatives. AK President Tumpel asserted within the scope of the discussion surrounding the Financial Transaction Tax that the causers of the crisis should make a fair contribution. It was not acceptable that those had to bear the full brunt of the crisis, who had not caused it.