BackThe Brussels Offices of the Austrian Chamber of Labour (AK EUROPA) and the Austrian Trade Union Federation (ÖGB) are pleased to invite you to the joint event "75 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - How can we put an end to products of forced labour?"
In its latest publication on modern slavery, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) estimates that around 28 million people are engaged in forced labour on a daily basis, including more than 3 million children. Forced labour is a global problem and one from which Europe is not immune. Across the EU, 880,000 people are exploited in slavery-like conditions in agriculture, domestic work, construction and manufacturing. Between 2016 and 2021, there has also been a worrying increase from 24.9 million to 27.6 million people worldwide.
The EU Commission is now finally planning to take action against this abuse: In September 2022, it presented a proposal for a regulation to ban products made with forced labour on the EU market. On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), we want to discuss with representatives of European institutions, the ILO, workers and NGOs. The focus will be on what improvements are still needed to the EU's legislative proposal so that the EU can make a decisive contribution to the global fight against forced labour.
Welcoming words:
Judith Vorbach, Head of AK EUROPA
MEP Samira Rafaela, Co-Rapporteur in the European Parliament (RENEW)
Panel discussion with:
Loris Matarelli/Isabelle Sirtaine, Advisor for the Belgian EU Presidency 2024 in the Cabinet of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Economic Affairs and Labour, tbd
MEP Samira Rafaela, Co-Rapporteur in the European Parliament (RENEW)
Ben Vanpeperstraete, Senior Advisor at the European Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)
Lieve Verboven, Director of the ILO Office for the European Union and Benelux
Thomas Wagnsonner, Rapporteur at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
Sarah Bruckner, AK EUROPA
In the course of the event a short slide presentation of the exhibition "Through their eyes. Visions of forced labour", based on the cartoon competition organised by the ILO and Human Resources Without Borders (RHSF) with the support of Cartooning for Peace, will be given.
The event will take place on 27 November 2023 from 18:30 - 20:00. Afterwards we invite you to enjoy snacks and refreshments. Simultaneous translation in English and German will be provided.
#ForcedLabour #BizHumanRights
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