
In a 3-hour hearing this week, the Hungarian commissioner-designate for employment and social affairs László Andor answered the questions of the MEPs. In demand were pragmatic ideas and long-term visions. The setting of the hearing did not do justice to these requests. László Andor left many concrete questions unanswered and did not get involved in details.

Most important goal: combating unemployment within the EU

In his introductory statement, the commissioner-designate for employment and social affairs Andor emphasized that combating unemployment and strengthening the social cohesion had to be given top priority in Europe. Further job losses had to be avoided and new jobs had to be created, said Andor. He also mentioned and clearly came out in favour of flexicurity. A murmur went through the ranks of MEPs, when Andor did not regard job security as a decisive factor in connection with the flexicurity strategy. The initiative “New Skills for New Jobs” was also close to his heart. He also emphasised the promotion of social dialogue and the importance of the cooperation between Commission, Parliament, the European social partners and civil society.

Andor: a new approach is needed for the Working Time and Posting of Workers Directive

When asked about the problems concerning the Working Time and Posting of Workers Directive, Andor let it be known that there in fact had been problems lately with interpreting both Directives. That is why a new approach is necessary, said Andor. The first step will be a hearing of the social partners regarding the Working Time Directive. An impact assessment has also been planned. Andor admitted that he also does not regard the opting-out of the 48-hour week as the optimal solution. He was, however, not prepared to commit himself to a concrete schedule concerning these two Directives. What made people sit up and notice, however, was his proposal that the Commission would soon issue a Green Paper on Pensions. This was certainly triggered by the Dossier on supplementary pension rights, which had been blocked for years.

Combating poverty and social exclusion takes priority

Andor also places priority on the promotion of measures, which are aimed at supporting vulnerable groups and at removing the causes of poverty and social exclusion. In particular the year 2010 – the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion – is an excellent opportunity, to sensitise the public to these problems.

MEPs were partly dissatisfied with Andor’s performance

Some of the MEPs voiced dissatisfaction after the hearing. There had been a lack of the all important visions and new ideas, which were particularly required in the employment crisis. In conclusion one could say that Andor presented himself as a calm and level-headed candidate, who will certainly have to grow into his position.

Further information:

Short information about the commissioner-designate for employment and social affairs László Andor