
This week, the EU Commission published the first monthly monitoring report on EU employment and social situation and a country comparison study on early childhood education and care in Europe.
The monthly report on the employment situation represents a new instrument of the EU Commission for the monthly monitoring of the social impact of the financial and economic crisis. In December 2008, the unemployment figures in the EU increased on average by 0.6 % compared to the previous year. According to EU forecasts, the labour market in Europe will lose 3.5 million jobs in 2009. The study on early childhood education and care shows that on average 87 % of four-year olds in Europe attend nursery school; there are, however, significant differences among EU countries with regard to admission age, participation rate and type of education and care. However, a majority of EU countries has not yet introduced guidelines to guarantee quality standards regarding the care of children under 3 years.

For further information:

Summary of the monthly monitoring report on the employment situation in Europe

Full monthly monitoring report on the employment situation in Europe

Press release of the study on early childhood education and care in Europe

Summary of the study on early childhood education and care in Europe

Full study on early childhood education and care in Europe