“High employment rates and signs of improvement for the youth”, this is how the European Commission advertises the current Quarterly Report on Employment and Social Developments in the EU. The Commission far too often paints a too rosy picture of the economic and social development in Europe. However, from the AK’s point of view, additional efforts have to be made at European level to ensure that the increased growth and employment rates also improve people’s working and living conditions.
The AK uses the discussion to back a social change of course in the EU. Binding social minimum standards could be implemented at once in form of Directives and ensure that all people in Europe benefit from an increased economic growth. A social progress protocol could ensure that social fundamental rights would have priority over economic freedoms and regulatory competition. Apart from that, the fight against social and wage dumping must also continue to be at the centre of the European Agenda.
Further information
Quarterly Review on Employment and Social Developments
Social Rights First!
AK Position paper on the European Pillar of Social Rights
AK EUROPE: Die European Pillar of Social Rights: Social commitment as a means to an end?
AK EUROPE: Commission recognises necessity to invest
A “social pillar” with many question marks: Why symbolic politics embedded in contradictions is not enough to achieve a change of course in the EU